
How To Stop Skin Outbreak Mgsv

This is based on opinion. Please don't list information technology on a work'southward trope instance listing.

As the darkest games of the Metallic Gear franchise, both Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain have some A-grade military terror.

Just to give you lot an clue of how dark this game gets: We've changed that picture to your right four times between the release dates of Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain.

And if all this wasn't dark enough for you: ALL SPOILERS WILL BE UNMARKED FROM HERE ON OUT, WOOOOHHH!!!

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    Pre-Release Previews

  • In the E3 trailer, the Child Soldiers look and act horribly realistic. Having patchwork dirty vesture, as well every bit their aim being wobbly, as if they were likewise small to deport the guns they are beingness forced to use.
  • The scene where Venom Snake rubs the ashes from one of the urns into his face. Permit us re-iterate: Snake rubs the remains of a dead person onto his own face. When the game came out, this scene turned out to be even more than chilling in context, see below.
    • We so cut to his face up covered in Blood and surrounded in flames. "Men Become Demons" indeed.
    • And one more scene that manages to be this, Tear Jerker, and a dark Awesome Moment of Crowning: the trailer's end features an appearance by the sigils of the various factions in the two games. We start with MSF, then XOF, then Diamond Dogs. So the last sigil appears, accompanied by the words "Venom Awakens". It'southward a motion-picture show of Big Dominate's skull (with a hole for his horn) with wings on the side and lighting framing information technology in a circle. And higher up it is the name of the unit of measurement: Outer Sky. "In Outer Sky, men go demons" indeed.
  • From the terminal E3 trailer, the ghastly appearance of Those That Do Not Exist; Peppery hallucinations, mechanically-augmented corpses akin to the Haven Troopers of the fourth game, and what appear to be actual zombies - eerie and unnaturally shambling figures who suddenly launch into the heaven at the behest of who appears to be Psycho Mantis. The trailer likewise shows us men being ripped apart past helicopter blades, Big Boss rescuing a battered and encarmine Quiet, gruesome experiments including what appears to exist a Call-Back to the headphone jack in Chico's chest in the form of an earphone slice fix into a homo'south throat, something horribly wrong with the same man'south lungs and what appears to be Paz.
    • Speaking of Paz, it gets even worse in the actual game. Given that ane of her final hallucination scenes involves Paz opening herself upwardly with her blank hands to find the "second" bomb. Which is shown before Venom Snake, and thus the player in all its graphic particular.
  • The Paranoia Fuel backside the suggestion of Zero'south scheme in the final E3 trailer; while information technology suggests a utopian ideal, mankind united under one banner with all their differences erased and skin color, linguistic communication, histories no longer mattering as we move forward into a brighter futurity. On the other hand, nosotros already know that Zero's platonic leads to a globe where our lives are governed and controlled by malevolent AI'south who have no dearest for us, and while they are impartial to who a person is, that comes at the cost of their goals being the erasure of our identities, cultures and globe if they consider it of no worth. Perhaps what's more than terrifying is that Skull Face wants to tear this goal down without knowing it's doomed to failure.
    • Zilch's fall from slightly eccentric, highly professional snarky old chap who loves his tea, scones and James Bond movies, to nihilistic, manipulative, paranoid Control Freak willing to wipe out the entire regular army of his former best friend to accomplish his goals and threaten his adoptive daughter with a Fate Worse than Death is very agonizing too. Equally he puts it in said trailer:

    "This world will go one. I have found the way. Race, tribal affiliations, national borders... even our faces will be irrelevant. The earth that the Boss envisioned will finally become a reality, and information technology will make mankind whole again."

    • In the actual game however, he is far from being much of a threat himself due to Skull Face'southward own assail on him, infecting him with his parasites and starting to slowly kill him, reducing him to the vegetative country he was in at the end of MGS4. Indeed, he'south shown to be badly attempting to undo what he'south helped unleashed, realizing that Nothing wasn't such a good thought subsequently all. Instead, his presence really is to just highlight the beginnings of his Patriots organisation that would go the true adversaries for the remainder of the serial.
  • Based on what we know well-nigh the character, the following line from the latest trailer is horrifying:
    • Similarly, assuming Kaz is referring to Skull Face here:
  • From the launch trailer, we see an extended version of the transition of Serpent from his Footing Zeroes class to his "demon" grade. Information technology starts with his Metal Gear Solid 3 self, cuts to his Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker self, and so to his Ground Zeroes, post-awakening and demon forms. The demon form is engulfed in flames and we run across him with no skin (The electric current page prototype), much like he was post-Metal Gear 2: Solid Ophidian. He is then replaced with Skull Face up, implying that they're not so different.


  • There's something extremely disquieting about the gameplay in this installment of the franchise that really highlights the State of war Is Hell theme going on in all the games. Actions that could exist seen every bit comical in other games like this are absolutely chilling, due in part to the incredible animations, sound design and feedback. Shooting someone and watching them bleed out is very agonizing, and acts like slitting someones throat or shooting them in the breast with a shotgun can very easily unnerve some players.
    • Going lethal in general is quite uncomfortable. While information technology may experience awesome to lay waste to an outpost, shooting and throwing grenades and bombarding them, it also feels extremely uncomfortable after- the consummate silence, coupled with all the fume and destruction tin can make you realize just how much impairment you did in a brusque time. Walking out of a base and seeing bodies torn upwards by gunfire and covered in soot and burns, eyes turned up in their heads and their mouths left agape in horror makes you realize just how easy it is to get PTSD. No wonder Large Dominate, Snake and Raiden all suffer from information technology. The worst part? This is the globe Big Boss wants--the globe where he feels he belongs.
    • Getting a lethal headshot. A powerful plenty circular volition burst the victim's head open up like a grape accompanied past a SPLURTCH.
  • Mother Base PvP element also have a bit of this. Imagine your precious base staff you lot're controlling gets knocked out by other players, not knowing what they might do adjacent. Futon them back to their base, lay traps adjacent to them, drop them off the h2o, proceed to impale other precious base of operations staffs... All in your total view while you tin't do a thing near it.

    Story Content

  • The escape from the hospital is as creepy and disturbing as any early Silent Hill game.
    • Aside from the general terror of the Man On Fire relentlessly pursuing you, the hospital department offers upwardly plenty of terror, from the silent, gas-masked kid (presumably Psycho Mantis) who can suddenly appear right next to you, to Placidity'southward first appearance, silently garrotting a nurse to death and then leaving you unable to help as she murders the kindly doctor who has walked you through waking up, before turning her relentless attention to you. Special mention also goes to Skull Face'southward XOF troops and their casually butchering the hospital staff, including a horrific meet where you're trapped between two squads of them in a hallway, like fish in a barrel.
    • The pure sadism the XOF troopers display in the prologue solitary is unsettling. To put it lightly, they stretch out several of the executions by deliberately shooting patients in non vital areas multiple times to make them SCREAM before gruesomely killing them when they are conspicuously in a position for a clean kill.
  • Just the general concept of what Big Boss wakes up to is horrifying. Waking up unable to move, loss of limbs, being haunted by demons, and being hunted by people who want you expressionless are the subjects of nightmares. And Big Boss has the wonderful luck of waking up to all of them at the same time.
    • The Controllable Helplessness of the early on hospital department is truly frightening without there beingness any real horror material in there; simply able to loosely movement your head, the controls sluggish and muted, they did a great job of simulating the inability to do anything.
    • Early, the doctor disposed to Serpent (the same ane Quiet garrotes to death) informs him that amongst the 108 foreign bodies lodged from the explosion in Ground Zeroes are homo bone and teeth. With the implications that those were from Paz, meaning he'southward been carrying pieces of her within him this entire time. And that in a twisted, literal sense, she is always close to his heart.
    • At one point in the hospital sequence, Ophidian and Ishmael find themselves in a gated hallway full of innocent, terrified hospital staff and patients. And and so the XOF soldiers announced on both sides of the hallway and massacre everyone effectually them in horrific, excruciating detail. Later, after hiding out in a room with a tense atmosphere as an XOF soldier patrols effectually, they resort to Faking the Dead to escape... except the XOF soldiers are shooting every corpse they come across, which creates tension as they approach Snake. But then the Man on Burn down appears and prevents them from killing him... as if that's whatever better.
  • Miller mutilated past torture, with his right arm removed at the shoulder, his left pes cut off at the ankle, and his eyesight damaged to an unknown extent - a pathetic heap of the man he used to be. While torture sessions in past games were no cake walk, it'due south horrifying to meet torture taken to this extreme where the character's combat career, hell, even merely the ability to move under their ain power anymore, is ruined by the extent of their wounds.
    • While information technology was never explicitly stated who/what was responsible for his mutilation (be it the attack of the Skulls that eradicated his Diamond Dogs escort), or it happened under Soviet torture, the murkiness of it actually makes it scarier. Who is in fact the real monster here: the Humanoid Abominations created by XOF, or the war-drenched Soviet ground forces who has already been complicit with mutual war crimes confronting the Mujahideen in Afghanistan?
  • The first appearance of the Skulls. You endeavor to fight, and they just accept the hits. Y'all try to run, and they tin keep up with your equus caballus. They seem to be able to generate some sort of concealing mist in the general area. In short, the game makes information technology admittedly clear that even Snake is completely outmatched, and will be for a good long time.
  • Occasional side-ops involve having to find foreign, crazed soldiers to extract.They're one-time MSF, who didn't believe Large Boss died nine years previous and went batshit over the fourth dimension every bit they survived on their ain. While this will probable get well-nigh players to extract them willingly, they'll be hard-pressed to practise so without getting the first drop; they're bat-shit insane, walking nigh like the Skulls do until they're alerted. Afterward which they dart around awkwardly, faster than Serpent tin can sprint, and scream and holler equally they evade you lot before promptly slapping you down to the footing repeatedly if they become too close.
  • The Man on Fire, a literal demon that you are kindly introduced to just seconds into the game, and just getting worse from there. In a setting where nanomachines tin can brand people into superhuman warriors, cyborg ninjas that can slice through vehicles like butter, and psychics that demolish the fourth wall... the Man on Burn down quickly establishes itself as the most powerful graphic symbol in the serial, existence Nearly-Invulnerable thanks to his supernatural nature and his Energy Assimilation abilities, which it uses to great outcome to decimate anything in sight coupled its trademark fire-based attacks, making a fight confronting the thing almost impossible. And while h2o momentarily halts it, it'll only come back effectually the corner sooner or afterwards to try again. Not to mention it'due south after Y'all the entire time, annihilating everything that gets in its way as it chases you down. Which is understandable, seeing equally he'south a revived Volgin from ''Snake Eater'', who's been in a vegetative country thanks to the Sorrow, only leaving his rage (coupled with the assistance of Tretij) to build upwardly afterwards Big Boss ruined him, serving as the merely reason why he's able to fifty-fifty walk, let lonely be the unstoppable nightmare that he is.
    • Even the normally unflappable Ocelot, a human whose survived and walked among the more than super powered beings of the Metallic Gear Solid universe is terrified when he first sees the man on fire, because it's his late commanding officer's undead corpse, and is forced to flee with Venom Serpent in a harrowing chase sequence where the monster basically starts a forest burn down in an attempt to impale them both, with Ocelot barely managing to go away with Snake by the skin of his teeth.
  • Then we take the Man on Fire's "handler", Tretij Rebenok. In addition to possessing some truly devastating psychic powers, he loves showing up out of nowhere and leaving just as suddenly, is completely silent bated from his audible breathing, and is able to command Sahelanthropus lonely with his mind. There's besides the fact that he's non really allied to anyone, only fighting for those that possess the almost hatred, which eventually leads to his betrayal of Skull Face for Eli. Information technology's pretty safe to say that Rebenok is one of the most unnerving characters in the game. The implications that he grows up to exist Psycho Mantis practice Not assistance matters.
  • As the game goes on, we become to run into more than and more of what kind of a person Huey actually is. The brusque of it? He is nothing like his son, Otacon.
  • The first encounter with Sahelanthropus. You sprint away from this towering, invincible monstrosity that shrieks and screams at y'all and launches a huge amount of firepower at you. Hiding from it is the the but manner to survive.
    • The kicker is when yous're being airlifted out; after taking out some of its drones, you utilize the Gatling gun on the Metal Gear itself - hitting it in an appropriate spot volition cause information technology to explode; it's just after the slow-down has passed and the explosions accept cleared that you lot see Sahelanthrophus falling to the ground. The biggest Metallic Gear in the series just jumped at you lot.
  • If yous opt to kill Quiet instead of capturing her, Big Boss will coldly shoot her in the chest while she lies unconscious on the ground. Her trunk will spasm one time, and then a single bloody tear volition roll down her cheek before her trunk disintegrates into nothingness. Also doubles equally a tearjerker.
  • In Mission 20 y'all visit the Ngumba Industrial Zone, as well known every bit "The Devil'southward Business firm". It'southward straight out of a horror pic. First off, there are no guards. Then yous actually enter the building and observe that something horrible is going on here considering the floor is covered in claret, scraps of flesh, and (in one case) a curlicue of intestines. The place has been converted into a facility used by Cypher to exam biological weapons on alive human subjects. Soon plenty you find dozens of barely-alive children strapped to beds with audio cables inserted into their throats. The conditions are horrible and rats run beyond the floor. When yous find the child you were sent to rescue, he begs you to kill him and end his suffering. And, just to set the scene, there's a green tent just outside the Ngumba Industrial Zone with a radio in it. The radio plays the famouTwo Oh Four Eight Half-dozen Threes radio conversations from the P.T. trailer that's since been remoExpect behind you. I SAID, Wait Backside YOU.
    • When the radio says that, Snake looks behind him. And despite the fact that yous tin can rotate the tertiary-person photographic camera and so that you can see that there'due south nothing in the tent with you, y'all're still half-convinced that something is about to attack through the tent wall. And peradventure the boob tube.
    • The worst part? The advent of the broadcast in this game may imply that THE Boondocks OF SILENT Hill EXISTS IN THE Metallic GEAR UNIVERSE. Just think for a moment about what that could mean. A town that lures in the broken and guilty, then turns their own nightmares into living a world filled with wars, wounded veterans suffering from PTSD, people representing the worst of humanity, and actual goddamn psychics. One shudders to imagine what Silent Colina would do to a person similar Solid Serpent...
  • In the second interrogation with Huey, Ocelot breaks out a highly potent solution of metallic archaea which is able to burn through metal in seconds. While it'due south not entirely undeserved, the casual tranquil sadism he displays as he begins trying to terrify Huey into spilling his guts about Skull Face'south plan is highly disconcerting, peculiarly when he melts the human's glasses and the steel chair leg of the chair Huey is sitting on. The music as well contributes in making this scene surprisingly disturbing despite a lack of overt violence. This scene is made more than terrifying in retrospect when one learns Huey's mechanical legs that enable him to walk are direct connected to his bones, and the archaea would've melted through all of the metal bolts in his femurs had information technology touched him.
    • And how does this interrogation terminate? Ocelot leaves the syringe with the archaea right underneath Huey's leg and leaves it there. The needle pierces Huey's skin, leaving him to force his legs to stay up so he doesn't strength the plunger to inject it.
    • The initial interrogation post-obit the escape from Sahelanthropus is every bit terrifying; unable to extract any data from Huey in a conventional way and facing accusations that he is a traitor, Kaz picks up the control wired to Huey's leg brace and holds down the trigger and then the leg begins to move in the reverse management to a conventional walking pattern, viciously coming close to bending the leg the wrong way, all while Huey cries in anguish.
  • After how increasingly dark that Skull Face'south antics got, the fashion he bites it arguably is one of the most brutal sequences in the entire series. While he lies trapped beneath a collapsed radio tower, both Miller and Venom Snake accept their time hanging over him before taking his trademark weapon and making him feel as they do. Between the sickening noises of bone snapping and being pulverized 'til the point of existence blown completely off, Skull Face's own desperation as he squirms around, and the calmness that Venom Snake oozes equally he and Miller accept their vengeance is unsettling. Then, rather than offer him any mercy, they merely exit him to slowly die, an act that causes his infallible attitude to succumb and leaves him begging to die instead. At which point, Huey winds upwards putting him out of his misery.
  • The game's Applied Phlebotinum are song cord parasites. Yous tin can die only from talking. Proficient thing they're only attuned to ane language... oh expect, the Big Bad has ones that react to English language.
  • Mission 43: "Shining Lights, Even in Death". Taking place in Chapter two, it is possibly one of the virtually horrifying and tormenting missions in the game. An outbreak of the song cord parasite causes Female parent Base's Quarantine Platform to be sealed off. Yous investigate the quarantine zone, which is appropriately scary. 1 soldier seems to exist running away from something. Other staff members are lying down dead or wounded. Y'all wonder if zombie soldiers will start attacking yous at whatsoever moment. Then you lot learn that you have to kill all the infected to prevent the parasites from escaping the quarantine zone. You get special googles that allow you distinguish the symptomatic, and you retrace your steps through the zone, looking at all of the people you passed. All of them are infected. Every unmarried i. And so you're forced to shoot each ane. Some beg you to save them. Some beg you to impale them. Some of them feel betrayed, and endeavour to fight dorsum. But the scariest are the ones who barricaded themselves into a locked room—the ones who understand what's happening and are willing to let you lot kill them, even saluting as you practice and then. Finally, you find one soldier who isn't infected. Yous take him to the the soldier stops you, realizing that he was infected himself. You lot put him down on the ground and bank check with the googles to see that, sure enough, he is infected. The soldier then begs you to impale him, even raising his arms to invite the fatal bullet. You lot exercise so. Afterward, Snake goes into a total, silent Heroic BSoD where it'southward implied he'south screaming in anguish. And then y'all go the same ashes scene.
    • Another moment stands out amidst the mission. In the room where yous find the initially-clean survivor in the corner, you also happen beyond an entire room of other Diamond Dogs members who were debating over what they should exercise. The moment y'all walk in, they all plow to Big Boss with a salute and say that he makes the final decision. They're all infected. Every bit a scratchy version of the Peace Walker theme plays in the background from a record player, Snake and the role player are forced to gun them all down and so and there. They don't fifty-fifty budge or freak out, not even a 'thank you lot' like the other soldiers who understood; they only quietly take it, then and there.
  • The puppet soldiers. Only... the puppet soldiers. Basically Soviet or African soldiers infected with the Skulls' parasites. While, probably not as nightmarish as the Skulls, they're still pretty damned creepy, basically existence People Puppets controlled by the Skulls. They stumble around erratically similar zombies, take blank and lifeless expressions and sickly pale, veiny skin, and take green orbs flickering effectually them to indicate mind command, and if you get likewise shut to one, they'll grab y'all and presumably steal your soul, providing y'all with an insta-impale. Yous can impale them, but that volition immediately alert the Skulls to your presence.
    • Also even after Skull Face up's expiry and immediate disappearance of the Skulls, that's however not the last you see of the soldiers. At one point of the game you're required to complete several side-ops involving rescuing the African children you saved in an earlier mission from diverse enemy outposts. All of them seem elementary enough and everything seems normal, until y'all get to the 5th child, that is. He's located in Da Smasei Laman, the same outpost where you find the Honey Bee, but in one case you get there expecting the place to be itch with enemy guards, you lot'll find that there is absolutely no 1 in sight. Upon using D-Canis familiaris or having Repose spotter the area, you'll detect that there are a whole crowd of guards in one of the caves along with the prisoner. Okay, and then they're guarding the child. Strange that they're but in that ane place, but ah well. Just then you lot get closer to investigate and detect something off about the guards. They're walking in a foreign gait, almost like they're drunk. And so the "oh shit" realization kicks in when you realize that they're all parasite-infected soldiers. While there are fortunately no Skulls around, it would definitely grab a commencement-time histrion off-guard and cause them to fear alerting a Skull to their presence. The creepiest part though is that it'south never explained where these guards even came from every bit there are no Skulls around.
      • And that right there is not even the last of them, either. Afterwards on there are several side-ops where you must eliminate wandering puppet soldiers from various bases, and the clarification confirms that the soldiers are doomed to forever be zombies (unless you Fulton them that is). Adding to the creep gene is the fact that a lot of these soldiers are located inside buildings, forcing you to maneuver through dark hallways to take them out and barely giving you elbow room to avoid their soul-sucking assail.
  • When Huey is finally made to face judgement for his crimes we learn that his married woman's rotting corpse has been trapped inside the A.I. pod all this fourth dimension. We so go to hear her last, terrified words, and to top things off, Huey makes a utterly draconian attempt at claiming she committed suicide.
    • Really, Huey's unabridged interrogation reveals just what a foil he is to his own son: Hal might take been a colossal nerd and showed frequent bouts of cowardly behavior…just in the finish he learned to grow a spine and refused to permit the legacy of his family ascertain him, even as he channeled that same legacy for more than benevolent ends. Huey, on the other hand, is what Hal would take been if he never once accepted the fact that his own actions influenced the decisions of others: he's a pathetic sniveling wimp who is convinced that nothing is ever his error, no matter what he was involved in. If Hal is the played-direct version of the Lovable Coward, Huey is the spine-chilling Deconstruction. And this in plough paints his ain suicide, as described in Sons of Liberty, in a far less sympathetic low-cal at present.
    • Although he'due south more than deserving of a bullet in the head, the sheer bloodlust that the Diamond Dogs have for Huey, as they shout "KILL HIM!" and "Impale THAT SON OF A Bowwow!", can exist downright frightening.
    • Kaz's reaction is unnerving too. When Snake makes the decision to gear up Huey adrift on a life raft, Miller breaks down, ranting about his crimes and almost begging Serpent to permit him kill Huey. There'south something so jarring about seeing a ordinarily calm and collected soldier similar Miller only... snap.

    Serpent: Prepare a life raft. Large enough for one. Food and water, also.

    Miller: Dominate?

    Snake: He'due south leaving.

    Miller: You—he's responsible for... for all of this! Recollect of all the men... he didn't lose a damn thing! This is the enemy! AND HE'S Hither ON HIS KNEES!

    • Huey's truthful nature is hinted at the first time Snake sees him, seeing how weirdly chirpy he is, greeting Snake equally if he were an old friend. All the while the AI Pod (which contains Strangelove'south corpse) is in the same room, meaning that he's been working practically adjacent to the dead body of his married woman the unabridged time. And he doesn't even acknowledge its existence.
  • At the showtime of Mission 45 you lot find Tranquility being held prisoner by Soviet soldiers at an onetime fortress. She'south been forced to habiliment a prisoner'south uniform, which is causing her to suffocate since she breathes through her skin, and she even looks similar she's dying. 1 of the soldiers grabs Quiet and holds her head underwater until she evidently drowns, and he and then removes her pants, implying that he plans on having sex activity with her corpse. Luckily, by removing her pants he allowed her to breathe again and regain her strength. Quiet and so gain to brutally impale over a dozen Soviet soldiers single-handedly in retaliation for the fashion they treated her.
  • The cut mission, as detailed on the Trivia folio. Eli would release the English song cord parasites over an entire island. Snake would fault Eli'due south compatible for the Cipher operatives' uniform in a moment of temporary color blindness, and shoot Eli by accident. Tretij Rebenok would then teleport the vocal cord parasites out of Eli'south body, which looks very gruesome. Pretty spooky stuff.
  • Some of the audio tapes are like this too. One series of cassette tapes has Skull Confront interrogating Code Talker, trying to observe out if there is a way to stop the symptoms of the vocal cord parasite infection from manifesting. When Code Talker refuses to speak, Skull Confront presents him with a bong, telling that whenever he rings it, it will signal a soldier outside the door to radio the discussion "Become." to another soldier, who will infect i of Code Talker'southward tribesmen with the parasites. The horror and anguish in Code Talker's voice every time Skull Confront rings the bong is painful to hear. And so, even later on Code Talker tells him everything, Skull Confront throws the bell down a flight of stairs out of spite. He but reveals later that he was bluffing the entire time, and was just screwing with Code Talker'due south head just considering he could.
    • There's too the record of the AI Pod'southward last recording which chronicles Strangelove's final days as she is trapped, suffocates and dies in all its entirety. And while the player doesn't actually see Strangelove's remains, there's Miller's tape detailing the discovery of her corpse inside the pod with graphic item.
    • Miller contributes with a taped description of his run-in with the Skulls. He and a group of battle-hardened veterans from MSF are suddenly surrounded by a strange mist. A few of his men disappeared into it, and Miller and visitor just realized they were under assault when their torso parts started to rain down on them from the sky. Miller'south men were dead in seconds. He presumes he would have been killed as well, but for whatsoever reason, the Skulls didn't finish him off. He figures that this was an accident on their function.
  • That Venom Serpent starts to encounter hallucinations of Skull Face up at the stop of Affiliate 1, glibly tipping his hat to Snake; before in the game, Skull Confront challenges Venom with the idea that he needs some class of hatred to replace the pain he currently feels - Refrigerator Brilliance equally well as Fridge Horror comes into play if the player has completed the subplot with Paz and learns that she was nix more a hallucination, subsequently which she never appears once again; in beginning to come across Skull Face up, Venom Snake has replaced his pain over losing Paz with pure hatred towards the man responsible for her decease .
  • During Mission 29 after your chopper gets rusted out of the sky and crash lands in the drome, you can see that the Skulls have sustained some damage from the crash landing. More specifically, unabridged sections of their bodies look like they have been flayed clean. This is only ramped up past the fact that they are nonetheless walking effectually like the zombies they always looked like. And then the parasites making up their skin and parts of their armor regenerate completely.
  • The mode Skull Face gets to Zero, co-ordinate to the Truth Records. First, he breaks Paz into telling him the location of Zero (a secret room on an flat circuitous in Hell's Kitchen, New York City)…only to snidely tell her that he'due south gonna become Snake too, anyhow. Just what does he do to Goose egg? He gets into contact with Zero and sends him a flight pivot that belonged to The Boss, Zippo's old friend. Every bit Zero inspects it, he pricks his finger on the edge…and that was all that Skull Confront needed for the parasites to infect the onetime Major. As yous mind to the sounds of…things breaking and clattering in the background (which is unsaid to exist everything in Aught's room as he loses motor control), y'all feel the same horror that Zero must have: despite hiding so incredibly that virtually no one knows y'all are alive and even fewer know where you lot are…your greatest nightmare establish you anyway. And to add for ane last Kicking the Canis familiaris moment? That pivot that Skull Face up gave Zero? Information technology wasn't the real affair. It's a fake. Skull Face has the original, and he'll take adept care of it.
  • During the scene where Serpent reunites with Paz, he has an extended vision that justifies her credible survival: they found the 2d bomb, and the explosion was acquired by the helicopter being hit with a rocket launcher instead. This scene does, notwithstanding, emphasise where the 2nd bomb was located...within her vagina. Despite information technology being to save her life, there'southward something incredibly pitiful about seeing The Medic fold up his fingers and move his arm every bit if to fist her, and her screams and cries as he works to remove the bomb from inside her; this is fabricated worse when y'all consider that she'd already been raped multiple times by that point, and that Snake's just response is to nod in agreement that it's a necessary activity. Finer, the vision shows Snake and The Medic saving Paz's life, at the toll of having to penetrate her under duress.
  • The very fact that Skull Face had a method of hands processing and mass-producing a way to refine/enrich regular nuclear material known commonly by its nickname "Yellow Cake" or "Uranium 235", means that anyone, yes, anyone, including self-built "nation-states" can literally construct their ain "build-it-yourself nukes" without the demand for specialized equipment/normal procedures that would normally concenter world-wide attending, instead being created via his unique parasite-based research, and with Lawmaking Talker, the Parasite Specialist that was forcibly used to develop information technology under threat of his fellow native people dying, or worse, confirming this method to really work, meaning this method truly works in that universe, retrieve on that harrowing particular for bit...
  • Metal Gear Sahelanthropus. Just looking at information technology is unsettling. For all intents and purposes, it is the "father" of the legendary REX and RAY Metal Gears that came xx+ years later, yet it dwarfs both of them and every single Metallic Gear that has come before or after. You lot face it, having taken on Metallic Gears from ZEKE to RAY, confident this will be a pushover due to not being completed. So information technology emits a loud piercing shriek, stands fully upright, looking down at you and leaps into the air, landing with enough strength to cause small earthquakes. It and so unsheathes a nanofiber sword from its right hip and plunges information technology into the basis, causing explosive formations of metallica archaea to erupt from the ground. Constant artillery bombardments from Mother Base of operations, rocket salvos from Pequod, tank fire and rocket fire aren't enough to completely destroy Sahelanthropus, merely temporarily disable information technology. This terrifying Metallic Gear is no pushover.
    • The details of its construction and performance are terrifying enough all on their ain. Originally meant to be piloted by an AI, Skull Face decided an AI couldn't exist relied upon, so he insisted on having the Sahelanthropus modified for a cockpit. But considering it was never intended to have an actual airplane pilot, at that place was simply enough room for a cockpit piloted past a child. And then the drive system didn't work properly, so to get around this consequence, they used a powerful psychic child to effectively puppeteer the thing. And then it isn't powered by just ane, only two forsaken children, and if Huey had his way, ane of them would have been his ain son. And as if that wasn't enough, its armor is covered in metal-eating parasites that tin can refine the depleted uranium in its armor to turn it into a walking nuclear flop.

"Cipher sent the states to Hell, but we're going even deeper...accept back everything we've lost!"

"Kaz...I'm already a demon."


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